Have a FREE family Christmas adventure with your loved ones this year .
Follow the clues to find hidden Angels in various local business’s windows and some may even be hidden at outdoor locations.
Each Angel will have a word attached, keep a note of the words you find,
Create a poem out of the words you discover and send this poem via the form at the bottom of this page to be entered into the Angel Flight Path competition
Competition Prizes
1st prize; £25 cash
2nd prize; Selection box
3rd prize; Selection box
ALL children who take part to receive downloadable certificate.
Winners will be announced Wednesday 27th December.
- Your trail starts at the edge of Newlyn Green, Can you find a life-size bronze casting made by a local sculptor; Tom Leaper?
- As you come out a silver gate, turn left and keep walking. But be carefully there may be cars driving around and parking.
- A lintel above this buildings door marks the date of construction 1717. For more than 300 years this building has welcomed miners, seafarers, artists and most recently food lovers. You can also enjoy a nice drink outside in the warmer months.
- Continue straight on, you might see some cars for sale. At the end of here, look left and you should see a bridge, cross over and see if you can see any birds or fish in the water.
- Next find the Zebra Crossing, push the button and wait for the green man to show, double check for cars and safely cross, once over the road please turn left.
- Follow the road for 300ft, you are now looking for a shop with a fish wearing a hat and holding a Cornish flag.
- Now turn back on your self, you are now heading back the way you came – but don’t go too far, your next clue is very close by. This shop produces; Kimchi’s, sauerkrauts, water kefir and other tasty condiments.
- Keep walking on for another 2 minutes your next Angel is hidden in a business near a car park, that recently won the 22/23 Cornwall Tourism Awards.
- After you’ve found your Angel, your next clues is hidden in a shop on a corner – You are looking out for a big fish on a sign with some writing.
- This next clue is a stones throw away, but wait for the adults because you have to cross the road – make sure you stop and look both ways before crossing.
- Your next clue is in a blue and white shop that sells delicious pasties, salads, sandwiches, baguettes and cakes.
- You must again cross the road with an adult and make sure you’ve looked both ways, once across the road turn left and continue on until you see a building that was built in 1905, it first was created as The ‘Gaiety’ cinema. In 1964 this changed to medieval décor, you eat with your hands and your food is usually served on wooden platters.
- Your next Angel is hiding close by, this is a place that people can go to pray, attend weddings, baptisms, christenings and funerals.
- You now need to head back down the way you came, until the end of the road, turn left and go over the bridge.
- Your second to last Angel is hiding in a shop that sells various types of a food made from the milk from a cow / goat.
- Your final clue is in somewhere fairly new – the shop’s name is a type of fish and is two doors down from the first of their shops which was open in May 2015. Your Angel may be swinging in a plant pot.
FREE refreshments
Newlyn; St Peters Church ;
- Saturday 9th 10.30 – 11.30am
- Saturday 16th 10.30 – 11.30am
Angel Flight Path Map

Angel Flight Path Form
Thank you:
A massive thank you to Chris for his map designs, Chris and Erwin for organising the webpage ready for the trail.
Thank you to Jane for helping to approach the shops to arrange where the angels will go.
Thank you to everyone who has kindly created the beautiful angels.