Services and activities
Sunday 1st December – 1st Sunday of Advent
9.30am: Morning Worship at St. Peter’s Newlyn
10.30am: Iona Worship at Paul Church
11.00am: Communion at St. Mary’s PZ
1.00pm: St. Nicholas Day event at St. John’s PZ
6.00pm: Julian Prayer Group at Paul Church
Monday 2nd December
10.30am: Wreath-making workshop at St. Mary’s PZ. All materials provided, followed by soup lunch.

Wednesday 4th December
10.00am: Christmas Coffee Morning at Paul Church, with stalls, raffle, coffee and cake!
Sunday 8th December – 2nd Sunday of Advent
9.30am: Communion at St. Peter’s Newlyn
10.30am: Sung Communion at Paul Church
11.00am: Communion at St. Mary’s PZ
6.00pm: Candlelit Poetry at Paul Church
Wednesday 11th December
6.00pm – 8.00pm: Rhys, the ‘Penzance Mystery Pianist’, will be playing carols at NightChurch at St. Mary’s PZ

Sunday 15th December – 3rd Sunday in Advent
9.30am: Traditional Mass at St. Peter’s Newlyn
10.30am: Nine Lessons & Carols Service at Paul Church
11.00am: Communion at St. Mary’s PZ
1.00pm: Intergenerational Bring & Share Lunch at St. Mary’s PZ with carols played by Rhys, games and Christmas activities and meet and greet Father Christmas!
6.00pm: Evening Iona Service by candlelight at Paul Church
Quiet Day & Service – Wednesday 18th December
11.00am: Advent-themed Service & Quiet Day led by Chris Kingshott at St. Peter’s Church, starting at 11.00am with the service, followed by lunch and the quiet day.
Sunday 22nd December – 4th Sunday in Advent
10.30am: Christmas Service at St. John’s PZ (Playzone this week will start at approximately 11.30am, after the service ends)
10.30am: Communion with RNLI Act of Remembrance for the lives lost on the Solomon Browne lifeboat and Union Star at Paul Church
6.00pm: Julian Prayer Group on zoom
[Please note that there will be no separate services at St. Mary’s PZ and St. Peter’s Newlyn this Sunday]
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
7.00pm: Christmas Communion at St. Mary’s PZ
9.00pm: Christmas Eve Communion at Paul Church
11.30pm: Midnight Communion at St. Peter’s Newlyn

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day
9.00am: BCP Communion by extension at Paul Church
10.30am: Holy Communion and Carols at St Peter’s Church, Newlyn.
Saturday 4th January

Friday 10th January 2025
7.00pm: Twelfth Night show at St. Mary’s PZ. Details to follow…