Equality and Diversity Policy


Penlee Cluster celebrates and welcomes rather then tolerates diversity in our organisation and in society as a whole. Penlee Cluster is therefore committed to proactive equal opportunities and welcomes all people, with a positive view of age, caring responsibilities, gender, disability, racial/ethnic origin, religion, HIV status or other health-related reason, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, as Employees, Management Committee and Volunteers.


The purpose of this policy is to provide diversity and equality to all, whether employees, trustees or volunteers. This policy also covers our work with groups and organisations, whether they are faith or non-faith based groups. It applies irrespective of gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age, nationality, sexuality, religion or belief, marital status or socioeconomic background.

Our Commitment

  • all employees and volunteers, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and equally
  • selection for employment/volunteering, promotion, training or any other benefit will be based on aptitude and ability
  • everyone will be encouraged to develop their full potential, we aim to utilise the talents, skills and resources of Penlee Cluster to the maximum
  • everyone involved with Penlee Cluster is entitled to be in an environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated
  • breaches of the Penlee Cluster Equality and Diversity Policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings
  • wherever possible Penlee Cluster will endeavour to ensure that all buildings used will be accessible and DDA compliant
  • where a person has specific needs, regarding access, support, equipment or facilities we will endeavour to meet those needs
  • Penlee Cluster expects all groups and individuals who use our service to treat Penlee Cluster employees and volunteers with respect and dignity and not to discriminate against them for any reason. Failure to comply with this may result in our support being withdrawn.
  • we want our organisation to be accessible and useful to everyone, we will not tolerate any practices that result in the provision of a lower standard of service to any group or individual because of unfair practice or unlawful discrimination
  • Penlee Cluster will avoid entering into contracts, partnerships or agreements with individuals, groups or organisations when it is aware that any of their policies or practices contravenes the Equality and Diversity Policy of the project.


  • if a person or organisation is unhappy with the service Penlee Cluster has provided, they have a right to access our complaints procedure to detail the incident

Responsibilities of Penlee Cluster

Penlee Cluster accepts responsibility under legislation for the actions of employees and responsibility for any practices, policies or procedures that may be found to be unintentionally discriminatory and will strive to ensure that this is eradicated. It welcomes the input of staff, volunteers, and users of the service to bring this to the attention of the project.

Management Committee

The Penlee Cluster Equality and Diversity Policy is fully supported by the Penlee Cluster Trustees who are responsible for reviewing, and where necessary, updating Penlee Cluster’s Equality and Diversity Policy on an annual basis.

Employees and Volunteers

Employees and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the Equality and Diversity Policy in all aspects of their work.

Adopted at PC AGM
September 1st 2018

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