Job Opportunities


St Mary’s Church, Penzance has a vacancy for the NightChurch Co-ordinator for 10 hours a week at £15 per hour to run the project in the church which seeks to provide a holy place of sanctuary and welcome to those who feel marginalised by reasons of isolation, poverty, insecure accommodation, mental ill health or who are wanting to explore spirituality and faith in a low-key way. Please apply via CV, covering letter and with the names of two referees, either by hand or post to The Churchwardens, St Mary the Virgin, Chapel Street, Penzance TR18 4AP or by email to

A pdf of the job description may be found here.

The closing date is 5pm on 29th October 2024.  Interviews will be held on the evening of 30th October.



NightChurch PZ has been running at St Mary’s Church, Penzance for 1 year. It is an integral part of the life of the church. Its objective is to provide a holy place of sanctuary and welcome to:

  • Those who feel lost, lonely or isolated
  • Those who are on the fringes of society for reasons of insecure or no accommodation, poverty, mental ill-health
  • Those who feel unable to access church in its day to day activities
  • Those wanting to explore spirituality and faith in a low-key, informal way

The ethos is one of people being accepted and loved regardless of belief, doubts, addiction or pain. We aim to be sensitive to people’s needs without expectation, persuasion or judgement.  The co-ordinator will equip the church to serve those living on the fringes of society and will network with other organisations and churches who are doing likewise. The co-ordinator will manage the project and the volunteers and also work with the Family Workers to engage young people and families on the margins.  All are welcome unless there is a risk of harm.


Recruit, train, and induct volunteers.  Ensure DBS, safeguarding, confidentiality of personal data, wellbeing and boundaries. Manage rotas, manage distribution and return of branded clothing.   Develop team building and quiet days. Establish volunteer roles eg. Listening, prayer, cooking and serving food, crafts, welcoming and involvement at church events.

Purchase and provide food and drink and session materials to a budget. Risk assessment – ensure safe operating procedures. Ensure H&S guidelines especially concerning kitchen and pets. Provide  activities, craft and prayer spaces. Submit expenses weekly. Provide a welcoming and inviting environment.  Arrange and upkeep the chapel as a space for prayer and quiet reflection.  Attend all NightChurch sessions unless on leave or ill. Drive people home if needed with a volunteer in attendance. Conduct 1:1 sessions with vulnerable people if needed and signpost individuals to helping agencies. Ensure the security of the church on leaving.

Liaise with other agencies, the ASB and Tri-Service Safety Officers, police, businesses, homeless, addiction and food charities and churches for the benefit of the service and help for individuals. Provide training and information sessions to other organisations. Make referrals as appropriate to Adult or Children’s Social Services.  Signpost guests to help. Attend appointments with vulnerable people if needed. Help rough sleepers gain access to services. Partner organisations include CTIPA, the Foodbank, Street Food Project and Growing Links, Breadline, We are With You, Salvation Army.

Promote and market NightChurch activities through talks, social media, radio, posters etc


The co-ordinator will be line managed by the churchwardens or incumbent of St Mary’s Church as the project is based at St Mary’s.  The contract which includes pay, pension and leave will be administered by the Penlee Cluster of Churches.  Funding for the post comes primarily from the St Paul’s Trust and donations.

The co-ordinator will provide written reports as requested to St Paul’s Trust, to the PCC, the Cluster newsletter and blog, and verbal in-person reports to the monthly staff meeting. File all reports.

Timesheets to be submitted monthly. Claims for expenses to be submitted weekly.

Hold at least quarterly meetings of volunteers to discuss progress, concerns and development needs.

Arrange six monthly steering group meetings with the incumbent, churchwardens, team leaders, and a trustee from St Paul’s Trust to discern the direction of NCPZ and assess progress.

A dedicated mobile telephone and email address will be provided.  Hours are 10 per week. Payment for additional major events is to be agreed in advance. Pay is £15.00 per hour paid by cheque at the end of each month.

A time off in lieu system is operated.  The annual leave is 25 days pro-rata.

The contract is for 1 year.  It is hoped further grants would be forthcoming to enable the project to continue.


You will embody Christian values in your life and encourage people in their spiritual journey.
You will be able to defuse conflict and to cope with a variety of people and behaviours.
You can cope with people who challenge you on social, moral or religious grounds.
You are non-judgemental, respectful, patient and tolerant with those at NightChurch.
You listen actively.
You are a team player being able to agree and set direction and support the volunteers.
You have organisational skills.
You have an enhanced DBS certificate and will have done or be willing to do the required safeguarding training.

You are a member of a Christian church.
You have previous experience of working with people who are vulnerable, mentally ill, who have addictions or are homeless.
You have a First Aid qualification.

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