Blog, July 21st

8th Sunday after Trinity

Bible readings: Jeremiah 23.1-6 & Mark 6.30-34, 53-end

‘“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves.’ (Mark 6.30-31)

We live in a culture which encourages busyness and measurable achievement and perhaps many of us feel guilty when we stop and rest. Some people barely rest at all! In our Gospel reading today, Jesus sees his friends’ weariness and tells them to take some time away from the demands of constant activity. He recognises their need, even if they don’t. Might we resolve, this week, to have compassion for our own need of the refreshment rest can bring? Jesus certainly does… – Josie

Weekly newsletter/blog and website

Please send all information for the Sunday newsletter/blog by Wednesday evening to Josie at  and If you would like to write the biblical reflection for the newsletter on any particular week, please contact Josie for details of upcoming Sunday readings. – Josie


Request for Driver to transport lunch to Kids Club on Friday 2nd August

Are you willing to collect a prepared lunch from St Mary’s Kitchen to transport it to St Johns to feed our holiday club children? Our driver cannot work that day. It will be to deliver the containers at about midday. Please contact our family worker Jane, at if you can help. Thank you.

The Sea, Theology and Spirituality

A Marine Spirituality

A new three-part series of webinars is coming in the autumn to Sarum College, exploring the sea in the Bible and in spirituality. From Sarum’s website:

‘Seventy-one percent of the Earth’s surface is ocean, and many communities in the UK and across the globe are coastal and depend on the sea for income. For many living on islands, the sea is part of the warp and weft of life. Some work at sea on commercial trade or military vessels. Even for those among us who do not seem to have much connection with the sea, we are becoming increasingly aware that the health of our planet is intrinsically connected to the biodiversity and health of our oceans—currently both under devastating threats. The sea—and water more generally—played a vital role in the lives of the early followers of Jesus, with Jesus calling fishermen to be his disciples and the Sea of Galilee playing a crucial part in the regional economy. This series aims to offer some theological lenses on the sea, to help participants reflect on the important role that the sea plays in faith, spiritual practices and ministry and mission. It will also offer participants an opportunity to expand their imagination in relation to the sea and the creatures that live within it, as well as to rethink their relationship with oceans that variously represent life, chaos and danger. Speakers are drawn from different parts of the globe—offering crucial international perspectives on the sea—and there will be opportunity for participants to ask questions and share from their own experience. We hope that this series will start to build a learning community around the sea, church and theology.’

The webinars will be delivered on zoom and the first session is on 21st October, at 7pm. The second session is on 11th November and the third on 2nd December. Please see here for more details (and how to book):

Each session can be booked individually for £20 each, or all three can be booked for £50.

Penlee Cluster Kids Summer Holiday Club 2024

for children 6 – 11 years

We are really looking forward to the summer holidays and once again, have some exciting adventures planned. Come along to try out lots of exhilarating activities and make new friendships. For those families in receipt of free school meals, it is essential that you book your place on the Time2Move website:

This is needed so we can access funding for your child. We also have five heavily subsidised places at £5.00 per day. This covers transport, lunch, trips and activities. But please note you must await confirmation of your child’s/children’s space before making any payments. Please find below a list of each themed week and if you wish to participate then please let me know and I will send over an application form. (Email address

Week 1: Wild About Where We Live – 30th July – 2nd August
Week 2: Wild About Adventure: 5th August – 8th August
Week 3: Wild About Talent: 12th August – 15th August
Week 4: Wild About Exploring: 19th August – 22nd August
9.00am Drop-off: Sea Life Soft Play
3.00pm Collection: Sea Life Soft Play
(Times will adjust on trip days – details to follow) – Molly

Church Mission Society Summer Appeal

‘For millions who fled the brutal conflict in South Sudan, the horror they’ve witnessed has left them with overwhelming trauma. Every refugee has a tragic story. Like Lilias, pictured above, whose pain is especially acute, having seen her niece shot as she fled to Uganda. With such heavy burdens on their hearts, only Jesus can restore their peace. Lilias attended trauma healing sessions led by CMS local partner, Sam Malish. The kind contributions of faithful CMS supporters helped to make this possible. Gradually, Lilias has come to terms with her experiences, and is now a strong advocate for peace. While refugees like Lilias are out of immediate danger, many are still extremely traumatised. By giving today you can help more people find hope and the peace that passes all understanding. Jesus will never give up on bringing healing, and neither will we.’ – Church Mission Society.

Please consider a donation to the Church Mission Society’s Summer Appeal here. You can do so here:

St. Pol de Leon Church, Paul

Tours of the church on Wednesdays during July and August, from 11am to 1pm. Come to coffee from 10am and then learn about the history of this lovely church. Visitors and locals welcome.

Traditional Summer Fete

The Family Workers and NightChurch are working together to put on a traditional summer fete at St Mary’s on 31st August. Time-travel back to when 10p was charged on the door for entry, and games (all costing 10p to play) included ‘guess the weight of the cake’, ‘the name of the teddy bear’ or ‘number of sweets in the jar’, all set to the delightful background hum of a tombola with the customary tins of Spam, custard and floral bubble bath. If you would like to be involved, either by creating a game, manning a station, whipping up a dozen butterfly cakes, or raiding your cupboard for corned beef, then please speak to Molly or Alice. Money raised will be going to Cancer Research and Georgia’s Voice, charities chosen by Molly’s families. – Alice

West Cornwall Drop-in Energy Advice

West Cornwall Community Energy Plus’s specialist outreach energy advisers are on hand with helpful advice on how they can help you save energy and money in your home or how they can help you with the transition to low carbon energy. They will be running drop-in energy advice sessions at the following venues in Penzance in July:

26th July 11.00am – 1.00pm at The Salvation Army (Queen Street, TR18 4BH)
31st July 10.00am – 2.00pm at The Salvation Army (Queen Street, TR18 4BH)

Debt Advice

The Salvation Army offers debt advice services to people in this area. They are free, confidential and impartial. Please dial 01752 643955 to speak to a Debt Advisor from 10.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday or email

Celtic Morning Prayer

Each weekday morning on zoom at 8am. The zoom meeting ID is 815 4586 0947. If you would like to attend, please email Keno at (or call on 01736 331633) for the passcode, which you will need as well as the meeting ID given here.

Julian Meeting

There will be no Julian Meeting online this Sunday (21st July), but it will be back on 28th July. Here is a prayer for reflection in your own time:

Stop, breathe and be still
for it is in this moment
I wait on God
This precious moment
Not looking back or forward
Sacramental now

Prayer Requests

If you are concerned about someone and would like their name included in the Prayer Request Group’s weekly prayer list, please do email Mel at by 7pm on Tuesday evenings. Thank you.

Penwith Deanery News


Church funded research focuses on inequality of rural living

Research being funded by the Diocese of Truro will focus on the government’s official measure for experiences of deprivation in England and whether it is appropriate for people living in rural Cornwall. The Cornwall Rurality Matters research, which is being carried out by Plymouth Marjon University in Cornwall, will be used to demonstrate the reality of living in Cornwall’s rural neighbourhoods. Read more here:

Truro Diocese chosen as FLOURISH pilot diocese

The Diocese of Truro has successfully bid to be one of 12 pilot dioceses for a two-year programme aimed at establishing partnerships between schools and their local churches, with the aim of engaging children, young people, and their families. Read more here:

Paul Church Summer Talk

‘Is the law fit for purpose?’

John Gallagher, Tuesday 6th August

It’s hard to sum up John Gallagher’s career. He has practised as a Barrister for nearly 50 years, is a Master of the Bench of Gray’s Inn and since 1994 has been a part time Judge of the Crown and County Court. He is also an accredited Mediator. I’m not sure what all those roles involve, and I’ve left a lot more out, but he’s clearly very well qualified to lead a really interesting debate and discussion on the current state and future role of the Law. £5.00 entry. Nibbles/wine 7pm, talk at 7.30pm, followed by debate and more nibbles/wine.


Together for the Church of England: Working for a Church of England for All – Devon & Cornwall Regional Conference: ‘A Gathering of Minds’ – Thursday 25th July

An evening conversation on zoom. All welcome. 7.00pm-9.00pm

Together is a new organisation which has a vision of our national church being truly available for everyone. This zoom gathering is an opportunity to find out about it and to explore how we can work together for greater inclusion in the life of the church. Register in advance for this meeting to receive zoom link:

(After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.) For more information, please contact your local rep: Cornwall – Andrew Yates (

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Care for Creation

United Nations Climate Change conference in the United Arab Emirates

Care for Creation

We want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

More Information;

St Mary’s CofE

A happy Church of England School in a stunning location with an entrance directly off Penzance Prom.

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