Blog, October 6th

The Garden of Eden with the Fall of Man by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens.

19th Sunday after Trinity

Bible Readings: Genesis 2.18-24 & Mark 10.2-16

Both our readings today look back to humanity’s prelapsarian state, where humankind lived in harmony with the earth and itself. First, in Genesis, we are given the poetic narrative of Adam naming the animals, which is suggestive of Adam’s essential place within creation and alongside his fellow creatures. Shortly thereafter, God created Eve and both she and Adam ‘become one flesh’ (Genesis 2.24). It is to this part of the story which Jesus refers in our Gospel reading, when he discusses God’s great creative act of unitive love. The context in the Gospel is that of long-running debates around the permissibility or otherwise of divorce. Jesus redirects the argument to God’s original institution of intimacy, love and companionship, wherein the human relationship is characterised by mutual care and need, rather than selfishness or convenience. The tendency in our broken world to treat one another instrumentally is reflected in the way we treat our common home. If Genesis shows us a different way of living – as part of creation, rather than in opposition to it, and also a way of being in utterly non-competitive relationship to one another – can we take this ideal into our own lives, here and now, however imperfectly?

  • Do I treat other people as a means to an end, rather than valuable in their own right?
  • Do I likewise treat the environment as something merely to be used, rather than as a good in itself?           
  • How might my holding the innate value of other people and the earth in mind change the way I treat both? – Josie

Weekly newsletter/blog and website

Please send all information for the Sunday newsletter/blog by Wednesday evening to Josie at  and If you would like to write the biblical reflection for the newsletter on any particular week, please contact Josie for details of upcoming Sunday readings. – Josie

Christian Aid Gaza Appeal Online Vigil – Monday 7th October

Join Christian Aid online to pray for peace, in solidarity with those who have lost their lives and those who mourn their loss, at 8pm. Please register here:

Blessed are the Weary: Rest and Reflection on Disability,

Value and God – Saturday 19th October

This year’s conference on disability and the church, which is a partnership between Inclusive Church and St. Martin-in-the-Fields, has rest and reflection as its theme. The event will take place online on Saturday 19th October from 10.00am. For more information and booking details, see here:

Churches Refugee Network (CRN) Briefing:

Challenges to Society and Church from August 2024 riots

Message from CRN Chair: ‘The riots that broke out across different parts of the UK in August 2024 tragically underlined the importance of many of the themes we have been working on in the Churches’ Refugee Network in recent years: the scapegoating of migrants, refugees, people seeking asylum and other vulnerable communities in response to community concerns about inequality, social exclusion, declining public services and infrastructure and the combined impact of these factors on the wellbeing of communities. In our work concerns have been expressed frequently about the impact of harmful and divisive rhetoric, of hate speech and misinformation, and the way in which we have seen these lead to violence. In the wake of the recent riots there is now greater societal awareness of this threat, but much more needs to be done to address tensions in community relations and improve community safety.’ Read more here:

Climate And Other Things –

A Selection of Paintings by George Dow

St Mary’s were pleased to host an exhibition of George’s paintings, entitled ‘Climate And Other Things’, over the past month. All sale proceeds are being donated to St. Mary’s and we are delighted to report a grand total of £880 has been raised for the church through the sale of George’s beautiful work.

NightChurch News

NightChurch is delighted and grateful to receive £300 donation from the recent art exhibition at Paul Church

NightChurch Volunteers

We are still looking for people who can volunteer every Wednesday (except for holidays of course) from 6.00pm – 8.00pm. We would also like some regular volunteers to join our Saturday team. Duties include eating cake, drinking tea/coffee, spending time with our brothers and sisters on the fringe, and doing jigsaws or art activities. Full training will be given. Please email me on if you’re interested. – Alice

St. Peter’s Newlyn

Church closure for maintenance works

During this time, people from St. Peter’s (and anyone who wishes to join them) will be meeting every Wednesday at about 10.30am at Duke Street café, for coffee, a catch-up and to keep in touch. The current plan is for the first service after the closure to be on Sunday 20th October.

Debt Advice

The Salvation Army offers debt advice services to people in this area. They are free, confidential and impartial. Please dial 01752 643955 to speak to a Debt Advisor from 10.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday or email

Celtic Morning Prayer

Each weekday morning on zoom at 8am. The zoom meeting ID is 815 4586 0947. If you would like to attend, please email Keno at (or call on 01736 331633) for the passcode, which you will need as well as the meeting ID given here.

Prayer Requests

If you are concerned about someone and would like their name included in the Prayer Request Group’s weekly prayer list, please do email Mel at by 7pm on Tuesday evenings. Thank you.


Julian Meeting

The Julian meeting will be in Paul Church this Sunday 6th October, at 6pm.

Harvest Celebration at Bosavern Community Farm

Sunday 6th October

Stalls, farm tours, kids crafts, games, great food, good company and even free health checks! Held in the farmyard, there will be marquees and indoor areas but some of the fun activities are outdoors so if the weather is wild, you’ll want your big coat; if it’s sunny, you’ll want a hat and sunblock! Boots or trainers are recommended footwear depending on whether you are dancing…. Bagas Fellyon are providing some top tunes. They’re a lively, inclusive Cornish Nos Lowen band, no previous dance experience is needed and again, it’s suitable for all ages. For more information on the band, see their website here:

Bosavern Community Farm is at St. Just (TR19 7RD) and the event is from 12.00pm – 4.00pm. (*Please check website and social media for updates by 10.00am on the day. They usually go ahead anyway if it’s wet but there is a reserve date of 13th October, in the event that the weather is stormy on the 6th.) For more info:


Creation Care Gathering –

Thursday 10th October

The next Creation Care Network Gathering will be on Thursday 10th October from 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm. To register to attend the gathering please do so here:

Kelsey Michael Album Launch Show –

Friday 11th October

Celebrating the release of her album Lethowsow on CD and vinyl, Kelsey Michaels will be performing at St. Mary’s on Friday 11th October. Alongside Kelsey will be St. Just acapella group Meadowlarks and Hannah Bullock  (guitar songs), who will play with Kath Buckler (cello, drum). All proceeds will go to St. Mary’s Church, which has keenly supported Kelsey’s music and recording. Tickets will be £7.00 purchased in advance, or £8.00 on the door and the show starts at 7.30pm (bar open from 7.00pm). For more information about Kelsey and her music, please see her website: and to purchase tickets, please do so here:

Paul Feast – Sunday 13th October

A week of celebrations begins at Paul Church, in commemoration of their patron saint, Paul Aurelian (Pol de Léon). Bishop Hugh will be preaching at the service, which begins at 10.30am. (Please note that this is also a cluster service, so there will be no 11am service at St. Mary’s this day.) Wine and feast cake will be served afterwards.

Mousehole Male Voice Choir –

Sunday 13th October

Continuing the Paul Feast celebrations, the Mousehole Male Voice Choir will be giving a Feast concert at Paul Church on Sunday 13th October at 7.30pm.

Choral Evensong – Sunday 20th October

To conclude Paul Feast week choral evensong will take place at 6.00pm at Paul Church, with Fr Jeff Risbridger leading the service and preaching.


Bring & Share Meal- Saturday 19th October

Come along to Paul Church Hall for a Bring & Share meal, from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. All welcome!

Macmillan Charity Cream Tea – Saturday 19th October

Come and enjoy a cream tea at St. Peter’s Church on 19th October, from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. All welcome.

Churches Together in Penzance –

‘Hymn Along’ – Saturday 26th October

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord’ (Psalm 98.4): ‘Hymn Along’ at High Street Chapel, Penzance from 10.00am – 11.00am. For more information, please email Mandy, at

Christians Against Poverty Talk –

Sunday 27th October

St. Mary’s is delighted to invite Alison, from Christians Against Poverty, to give a talk about a Christian response to poverty during our service on Sunday October 27th. For more information on Christians Against Poverty, please see here:

Quiet Day & Service – 

Wednesday 18th December

Come along to a quiet day and service led by Chris Kingshot at St. Peter’s Church, starting at 11.00am.

Other Articles;

Care for Creation

United Nations Climate Change conference in the United Arab Emirates

Care for Creation

We want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth.

More Information;

St Mary’s CofE

A happy Church of England School in a stunning location with an entrance directly off Penzance Prom.

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