Working with Children and Vulnerable Adults

The PCCs of St Mary Penzance, St John Penzance, St Peter Newlyn, St Pot de Leon Paul, Churches in the Penlee Cluster of Churches

  • Accepts the prime duty of care placed upon the Parish Priests and Parochial Church Councils (PCC) to ensure the well-being of children and vulnerable adults in the church community.
  • Adopts and implements this child protection policy and procedures, based on the Diocese of Truro Safeguarding policy and the House of Bishops Protecting all God’s Children
  • Appoints co-ordinators to oversee work and with the Parish Priests and the PCCs to implement policy and procedures. The co-ordinators must ensure that any concerns are dealt with according to the Diocesan policy and Legislative requirements.

The above PCCs have appointed Graham Carter and Heather Wright to be the Safeguarding Coordinators across the Penlee Cluster area.

The PCCs recognize the following areas of work with children and vulnerable adults:

Activities undertaken under this policy (Penlee Cluster)

  • Children’s Holiday clubs
  • Children’s work at St John’s Playzone
  • Church/school activity events
  • Children’s discos
  • School visits
  • Children and adult nurture groups
  • Music events with children
  • Monday Lunch Club at Paul
  • Quiet Garden events at Paul
  • Pastoral Ministers housebound visits, house communion and bereavement events
  • Activities undertaken on our premises by Organisations or individuals whose safeguarding policies are endorsed by the PCCs.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous at St. John’s Art Club at Newlyn
  • Aspire at St. John’s
  • Bell ringing at St Mary’s
  • Music teaching at St. Mary’s
  • Women’s Aid at St. John’s

The PCCs have authorized the following people to work with children and Vulnerable adults in the churches: All these people have Photo ID, DBS and safeguarding training.

  • Pastoral ministers
  • Playzone workers
  • Holiday club workers
  • Licensed lay workers Clergy
  • IT worker
  • Musicians

The PCCs of Penlee Cluster will:

  • Display the Childline telephone number and details of how to contact the coordinators.
  • Ensure that all those authorized to work with children and vulnerable adults or in a position of authority have undertaken a DBS Disclosure check and been appropriately appointed.
  • Ensure that all such authorized personnel are trained, supported and provided with a copy of the Parish and Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and Guidelines.
  • Pay particular attention to all those with specific needs, including those from ethnic minorities, to ensure their full integration and protection within the church corn munity.
  • Create a culture of informed vigilance which takes safeguarding seriously. Ensure that appropriate pastoral care is available for any person who has made a disclosure. Provide, as appropriate, support for all parents and families in the congregation.
  • Ensure that those who may pose a threat to children and vulnerable adults are effectively managed and monitored.
  • Provide appropriate insurance cover for all activities undertaken in the name of the Parish.
  • Review the implementation of the safeguarding policy, procedures and good practice annually.

The above has been discussed and implemented by the 4 PCCs.

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